Although Spring is here by season the temperatures aren’t quite reflecting that, as we’ve all felt. However, if you’ve been enjoying your local countryside you will have seen a lot of irrigation systems popping up in the fields in recent days.
Despite the cool temperatures, we’ve seen a lack of rain in the last couple of weeks. With Harvest just around the corner for us here at Newhay it is imperative that we get water to the crops to ensure our high quality is maintained as Timothy Grass is very sensitive to lack of water due to its shallow root systems. With the complex and rigorous analysis that we undertake regularly we are able to ensure that we are making the first cut at the perfect time.
This year we will test a week before to ensure that the Protein levels are at the correct tolerance as well as starch and sugar being low and fibre high. Keep a look out for our next article where we’ll be in the throws of Harvest, hopefully basking in the beautiful sunshine!
Until then remember…a single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.