Guinea pig feeding hay
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Guinea pig feeding hay

When it comes to guinea pig care and nutrition it's all about striking a healthy balance.

What is the best hay for my guinea pig?

Good quality, fresh and nutritious, dust-extracted feeding hay should make up most of your guinea pig’s daily diet to maintain a healthy digestive system, prevent illness and help you to avoid unnecessary trips to the vets.  

Our high quality homegrown hay is ideal for your piggy because not only is it high in fibre and low in sugar, it’s packed with naturally tasty goodness, just as nature intended. Small pets who have taken the taste test give the ‘paws up’ to our natural varieties!

An added bonus of wholesome coarse varieties, like our Timothy Hay, is that they take time to chew which prevents boredom. A happy pet is a healthy pet afterall! 

What and how much should I feed my guinea pig?

A guinea pig’s diet is similar in many ways to that of their longer eared friend the rabbit. Guinea pigs are also grazers, and naturally only eat grass, herbs and some commonly foraged plants like dandelion and groundsel.

Keeping your piggy happy, healthy and away from the vets means keeping their digestive system in tip top condition.

They need both digestible and indigestible fibre going through their gut and can get both types of fibre from quality assured dust-free hay like our Timothy Hay for guinea pigs.

Top tips for your guinea pig’s diet

  • 85-90% premium feeding hay or grass – This is best food for your guinea pig’s digestive system and should be available at all times.
  • Fresh veg - Around a handful a day of leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli and parsley will provide a good source of Vitamin C and other micronutrients.
  • Vitamin C - Guinea pigs don’t naturally produce this key vitamin, so it’s important to add it daily for healthy skin, joints and blood vessels. As well as leafy greens, try salad peppers, tomatoes and asparagus. It’s important to avoid citrus fruits which are too high in sugar for your piggy.
  • Premium grass pellets - Supplement your piggy’s daily diet and Vit C intake with a fresh handful of high quality grass-based Timothy Hay pellets (avoid pellets with added ‘junk-food’ such as fruit or flakes). Replace daily as vitamin C goodness depletes with exposure to air. Your guinea pig will thank you for it!
  • Fresh water – Always provide clean fresh water in a suspension bottle. Check and change daily to avoid dehydration which can lead to serious illness
  • Monitor food quantities – How much guinea pigs eat depends on various factors such as lifestyle, size, age and general health. Every guinea pig is different so check with an expert first then get to know and monitor your piggy's habits.
  • Good bacteria - Piggy’s sticky droppings or ‘caecotrophs’ contain fibre that’s indigestible first time around the digestive system. It’s completely normal for your furry little herbivore to eat them to absorb essential nutrients second-time around.
  • Plants to avoid - include daffodils, foxglove, hemlock, lilies, nightshade, oak, onion grass, rhubarb leaves, tomato leaves, sweet seas and privet.

Six step guinea pig health check

In addition to an annual vet’s check-up, it’s a good idea to groom your guinea pig weekly and it will help you bond with these sociable herbivores.

Follow these 6 simple checks whilst grooming to keep your piggy in tip-top condition, and always seek expert advice if you notice anything unusual.


Check they are clear and shiny. Dull and swollen eyes are often a sign of illness and could lead to blindness.  


Look inside gently, make sure they are clean and check for any signs of mites or fleas. 


Check for excessive drooling or redness of the gums which could be a sign of dental problems, but be careful! Little piggies may not like their mouths being examined and might bite!


Gently feel the fur to check there are no bald patches, signs of mites, fleas or any unusual lumps, bumps or injuries.


Gently hold piggy’s feet to check for injury and overgrown claws – seek a vet’s advice if they need trimming.


Checking piggy’s weight regularly to make sure they're not over or underweight is an important part of your guinea pig care routine. Obesity can lead to other health issues, so if in doubt seek your vet's advice.